Otto was designed as part of a a uni assessment in which a group of 3 students including myself designed a solution to address education inequality. Otto is study assistant and educational resource for primary and secondary students from low SES schools. It's designed to help motivate students and keep them connected to teachers when studying from home.
Promotional Video
Walkthrough Video
Reseach Methods: Questionnaire, Interviews and Secondary Research
Individually, we researched three different problem areas within the scope of education inequality. These included how teachers are limited by inequality, the disadvantages students experience and how education inequality has a negative effect on student outcomes. Through thorough secondary and primary research the key insights revealed:
- Lack the resources and time to support their   students
- Don’t clearly understand what their student’s   needs and goals are
- Lack of digital presence within their classrooms
Low SES Students
- Lack motivation to attend and perform well
- Struggle to connect with teachers, feel like they do not understand their needs.
- Classes are repetitive and boring
Problem Statement:
Disadvantaged schools need to be able to monitor student needs and support students in achieving their goals in order to increase academic success and access to opportunities.

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